Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bystanders Lift Burning Car To Save Pinned Motorcyclist (VIDEO)

As a 21-year-old motorcyclist lay pinned underneath a burning car, a group of courageous bystanders worked feverishly to save his life, The Salt Lake Tribune reports.

After colliding with a BMW on U.S. Highway 89 near Utah State University Monday, Brandon Wright became trapped underneath the flaming vehicle.

According to the The Salt Lake Tribune:

The motorcycle and Wright were pulled under the car, where the motorcycle’s gas line was severed, causing the bike and the car to catch fire while he was trapped underneath, [Assistant Logan Police Chief Jeff] Curtis said.

Wright reportedly suffered broken bones, cuts, and burns, but thanks to the brave bystanders who lifted the car and pulled him out, he survived the accident.

The driver of the car only suffered minor injuries, but was "shaken up," according to the Tribune.

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